Gateway Foundation Courses

4th Grade:
Intro to Design – Students prepare for coursework through an introductory course developed by our instructor to ready students for PLTW problem solving, design and teamwork.
5th Grade:
Energy & the Environment – Students investigate the impact of energy on our lives and the environment and design and model alternative energy sources.
6th Grade:
Flight & Space – Students explore the science behind aeronautics and use their knowledge to design, build, and test an airfoil.
7th Grade:
Design & Modeling – Students are introduced to and use the design process to solve problems and understand the influence that creative and innovative design has on our lives.
8th Grade:
Magic of Electronics – Through hands-on projects, students explore the science of electricity, behavior and parts of atoms, and sensing devices. 
Green Architecture – Students use a 3D architectural software program to create an environmentally friendly home using shipping containers. 

9th Grade:
Automation & Robotics – Students use a robust robotics platform to design, build and program a solution to solve an existing problem.

Contact Us

705 North Section Avenue, Spring Valley, MN  55975
Phone (507) 346-7276   |   Fax (507) 346-7278
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